Forrester Prosthodontics


Ceramic Veneers

Transform Your Smile with Stunning Ceramic Veneers.

Forrester Prosthodontics
Forrester Prosthodontics

Are you unhappy with the color and shape of your smile?

Are you looking to achieve a flawless, radiant smile that turns heads and boosts your confidence? Our Ceramic Veneers offer a transformative solution for achieving the beautiful smile you've   always wanted. 

At Forrester Prosthodontics, our Ceramic Veneers give you a instant brand new smile. Discover the power of a personalized transformation that enhances both your appearance and your self-assurance.

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Forrester Prosthodontics
Forrester Prosthodontics Forrester Prosthodontics

What are Ceramic Veneers?

Ceramic Veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. They are designed to correct a range of cosmetic imperfections and provide you with a naturally beautiful smile.

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Benefits of
Ceramic Veneers


A Perfect Smile

imperfections, including stains,  chips, gaps, and misalignments, for  a stunning, even smile.


Natural Appearance

Ceramic veneers are carefully crafted  to match the color, shape, and  translucency of natural teeth,  ensuring a seamless, authentic look.


Minimally Invasive

Veneers require minimal tooth  reduction (compared to crowns), preserving much of your  natural tooth structure.

Forrester Prosthodontics

How long will my veneers last?

The longevity of ceramic veneers, can vary depending on several factors, including your oral hygiene practices and lifestyle choices. Generally, veneers are considered a long-lasting cosmetic dental solution, and with proper care, they can provide a beautiful smile for many years. 

Good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings, are essential for preserving the appearance and longevity of veneers. Proper care helps prevent issues like staining or decay around the veneers.

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Forrester Prosthodontics
Forrester Prosthodontics Forrester Prosthodontics
This was my initial visit. The staff, starting the moment I arrived, quickly dispelled my anxiousness with their ‘seems-we’ve-known-each-other-for-years’ demeanor. Then, Dr. Forrester’s relaxed manner, along with his clear and thorough explanation of options, further made the visit worthy of a five-star! These guys are awesome!!

Gerri Flemming
Google Review

Forrester Prosthodontics Forrester Prosthodontics

Dr. Keaton Forrester DMD, MS, FACP

Dr. Keaton Forrester has dedicated his professional life to the art and science of advanced dentistry. His journey started at MUSC Charleston in 2011. Through an Air Force residency in San Antonio, TX, Dr. Forrester developed a passion for the artistry of prosthetics and the humility behind transformative smiles. 

He recognized that crafting exceptional dentistry demanded focused dedication. To bridge the gap between efficiency and quality, he established a practice driven by results and patient comfort. Dr. Forrester established Forrester Prosthodontics to serve the people of the Savannah River region by providing solutions to complex dental problems. 

Together with his team, they combine artistry with science, offering a comprehensive range of solutions to address your unique dental needs. With a compassionate approach, advanced techniques, and personalized care, our team empowers you to rediscover the confidence and vigor to lead your life to the fullest potential.

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MUSC Logo The American Board of Prosthodontics Logo Academy of Osseointegration ACP Logo Uniformed Services University Logo

Smile Transformations

Click on the video to watch a smile transformation.

Forrester Prosthodontics
Forrester Prosthodontics Forrester Prosthodontics

Restore Your Smile. Restore Your Life.

Our mission at Forrester Prosthodontics is to serve the Central Savannah region by providing solutions to complex dental problems by partnering with general dentists and specialists to provide patients a streamlined, comprehensive and patient-centered dental experience.

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Forrester Prosthodontics

Treatment Plans That Will Make You Smile.

01     Request an Appointment

Contact us to set up a consultation with Dr. Forrester.
Request an Appointment or give us a call at (706) 303-0544

02     Develop a Treatment Plan

Together, we’ll discuss your needs and create a treatment plan that meets your goals and fits into your lifestyle.

03     Smile Confidently

We’ll work with your other specialists to create a streamlined, seamless and comprehensive dental experience so you can smile confidently again.

Forrester Prosthodontics Forrester Prosthodontics

Start Your Journey
To Your Perfect Smile

Request an Appointment Today.

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or give us a call at (706) 303-0544